RMAN Backups
Identifying RMAN Specific Backups
Using the RMAN BACKUP Command to Create Backup Sets
Backing Up the Control File
Backing Up the Archived Redo Log Files
Using the RMAN COPY Command to Create Image Copies
User-Managed Complete Recovery
Describing Media Recovery
Performing Recovery in Noarchivelog Mode
Performing Recovery in Archivelog Mode
Read-only Tablespace Recovery
Relocating and Recovering a Tablespace
RMAN Complete Recovery
Describing the Use of RMAN for Restoration and Recovery
Performing Recovery in Noarchivelog Mode
Performing Completing Recovery in Archivelog Mode
Restoring Data Files to a Different Location
Relocating and Recovering a Tablespace
User-Managed Incomplete Recovery
Describing the Steps of Incomplete Recovery
Identifying the Situations Which Require Incomplete Recovery
Performing an Incomplete Recovery
Recovering from the Loss of Current Online Redo Logs
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