Talent Technology

Location: Courses / Oracle DBA

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Section 1 - Oracle Database Administration Fundamentals I
Time Allocated - 18 hours

Sectional Objectives:
Use Globalization Support features
Manage Oracle database files
Start up and shut down an Oracle instance and database
Manage users, privileges, and resources
Manage tablespaces, segments, extents, and blocks
Create an operational database

Oracle Architectural Components
Understanding the physical structure
Understanding the memory structure
Understanding the process structure
Understanding the logical structure
Outlining the stages of an SQL statement
Defining an Oracle Database, the Oracle server, and the Oracle Instance

Getting Started with the Oracle Server
Identifying database administrative tools
Identifying the features of the Universal Installer

Managing an Oracle Instance
Creating, managing, and using initialization files: PFILE and SPFILE
Identifying the various states of starting an instance
Identifying the various options available to shutdown an instance
Monitoring Alert and Trace files

Creating a Database
Using the Database Configuration Assistant to create a database
Creating a database manually

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