Monitoring and Detecting Lock Contention
Concepts of Locking
Overview of Locking issues
Types of DML locks
Levels of locks
Types of DDL lock modes
Detecting Blocking Locks
Monitoring locking activity
Tuning Oracle Shared Server
Introducing Oracle Shared Server
When are Shared Servers required in Oracle9i
Monitoring dispatcher processes
Monitoring shared server processes
Increasing or decreasing the number of Dispatchers
Increasing or decreasing the number of Shared Servers
Monitoring Process Usage
Monitoring Memory Usage
Application Tuning
Role of the DBA
Oracle Data Structures
Selecting the physical structure
Data storage structures
Tuning for Different Types of Applications
Using Oracle Blocks Efficiently
Database Storage hierarchy
Allocating extents
Monitoring Space Usage in Data Segments
Recovering space from sparsely populated segments
Monitoring Space Usage in Index Segments
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