Database Configuration and I/O Issues
Distributing files across devices
Tablespace usage
Detecting improper tablespace usage
Moving datafiles
Oracle File Striping
Tuning Full Table Scans
Tuning checkpoints
Redo log file configuration
Optimize Sort Operations
What is the sorting process
Sort Area Parameters (New & Old)
Tuning sort operations (DB Configuration)
Tuning Temporary segments
Reducing sort operations (application tuning)
Identify sort operations
Avoiding sort operations
Diagnostic Tools
Diagnosing Contention For Latches
Oracle's Implementation of latches
Latch request types - willing-to-wait, immediate
Reducing Latch Contention
Significant Latches and Shared Pool and Library Cache Latches
Tuning Rollback (or UNDO) Segments
Describing Rollback segment usage
Usage and configuration
Detecting Problems with Rollback Segments
Resolving Problems with Rollback Segments
Creating Rollback Segments and bringing them online
Allocating transactions to a rollback segment
Resolving RBS problems and Describing System Managed Undo
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