Talent Technology

Location: Courses / Data Warehouse

Module 4 - Using the DTS Import/Export Wizard: Gets students hands-on with DTS by using the wizard to create a package from start to finish. The module begins with a discussion of the functionality of the DTS Import/Export Wizard and defines several applications of the wizard. The module then presents two step-by-step examples of how to use the wizard to perform simple data transfers: copying data from heterogeneous data sources and creating a prototype package.

Module 5 - Understanding DTS Package Elements: Provides the basic constructs of DTS package design by using DTS Package Designer. This module teaches how to set up and configure package connections, tasks, and steps. The module also shows the basic package execution and storage methods of DTS Package Designer.

Module 6 - Copying and Managing Data: Describes a group of DTS tasks that copy and manage data, such as the Bulk Insert Task, the Execute SQL Task, and the Copy SQL Server Objects Task.

Module 7 - Performing Data Transformations: Provides the skills to design data transformations by using the Transform Data Task. The module presents how to define these transformations, how to configure data transfer options, and how to create exception files.


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