Week 3: Creating Tables
Oracle Data Dictionary
Manipulating Data
Altering Table and Constraints
Creating Sequences
Week 4: Creating Views
Creating Indexes
Controlling User Access
Summary of SQL and SQL*Plus (optional)
Section2: Develop PL/SQL Program Units
Week 5: Overview of PL/SQL
Basics of Procedure Builder
Modularizing Programming with Subprograms
Week 6: Developing a Simple PL/SQL Block
Interacting with Oracle
Controlling Flow in PL/SQL Blocks
Week 7: Processing Queries by using Explicit Cursors
Error Handing
Week 8: Summary of PL/SQL
Stored procedures and functions, packages and database triggers.
Section 3: Developer/2000 Forms I, II
Week 9: Layout editor
Forms, storage and executables
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