Talent Technology

Location: Courses / Advanced Java and J2EE

Section 1 - Java Language
1. Introduction to Java

a. Java History
b. Unique Java Feature
c. Installation of Java Development Kit (JDK)
d. Compile and execute a Java program with DOS command
e. Introduction to Java IDE Eclipse
f. Lab: download JDK, Eclipse, Tomcat and install them. Compile and run a sample java program in DOS environment using javac and java.

2. Basic Java Syntax

a. Identifiers
b. Java Keywords
c. Data Type
d. Operators
e. Flow Control
f. Looping
g. Create, compile and run sample Java program using Java IDE
h. Lab: compile and run Java program in Ecilpse IDE.

3. Object Oriented Programming with Java

a. Object Oriented (OO) Programming Concept
b. Java Approach to OO
c. Java Objects
d. Constructors
e. Subclassing
f. Lab

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