Talent Technology

Location: Courses / MS.Net

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.NET Remote
7. Type Reflection
8. Windows Service
9. Deployment
10. .NET Security

XML - Universal Data Representation (6h)

2. XML Schema
3. Xpath
4. XML and .NET

ADO.NET and SQL Database (6-9h)

1. SQL Server Introduction
2. Why ADO.NET
3. ADO.NET Object Model
4. ADO.NET and XML
5. ADO.NET best practice

SQL Server Database Design (3-6h)

· SQL Statement Introduction
· Stored Procedure
· High Performance SQL Server
· High Performance SQL Server Design

ASP.NET (12 - 15h)

1. ASP.NET Architecture
2. Web Forms
3. Object Models
4. State and Session Management
5. Configuration and Performance Tuning

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