Talent Technology


course outline | course_description

Customizing Queries on Universes

a) Creating user objects b) Edit and deleting User objects
c) Creating time hierarchy for User Objects d) Applying complex conditions on queries
e) diting and deleting complex conditions f) Applying conditions with calculations
g) Applying groups of conditions h) Building combined Queries

Building Queries on Universe

a) Including, removing objects in Query panel b)Changing the order of objects in Query Panel
c) Scope of Analysis d) Applying conditions
e) Applying sorts f) Using separate data providers for separate blocks in one report

Using and Customizing List of Values

a) Customizing List of Values b) Editing List of values
c) Assigning personal data to list of values d) To display, refresh and purge list of values

Analyzing Data in Drill Mode

a) sing Drill mode b) Drilling through the data base to get data
c) Drilling on tables and charts d) Printing a report in drill mode

Creating calculations

a) Overview b) Calculations c) Calculating to and from Euros

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